
How To Generate Automatic Numbering Invoices In Word

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This Microsoft Word Help & Microsoft Word Tips page provides the dwelling house or pocket-size concern Give-and-take user with a fully automated, interactive template for creating invoice documents. The template is based on a previous template that I co-developed with Microsoft Word MVP and longtime friend MVP Graham Mayor Interactive Invoice Template, and a VBA method that I take refined to monitor tabular array jail cell events described here: Table Cell Events.

I want mention and thank Jeff Vandervoort for sharing with me the basic range monitoring technique that I employed in this project, Jason Frost Simpson for his interest in the project and assistance with structured code and Graham Mayor every bit, is customary, his comments, suggestions and critical center always results in improvements.

The basic template layout is shown below. It consist of a company information section, customer data section, general invoice data section, and a section for invoice production and service line item entries.

  • Content controls (e.yard., the "Company proper noun" command selected) are used as placeholders for; ane) Invoice number and date, 2) User defined default values i.e., company proper noun, address, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, website and slogan, three) User defined customer information i.due east., name, address, ID, order number and east-mail service address and 4) User divers invoice information i.e., sales person, project, terms, and due engagement.
  • The invoice number and date are defined automatically past the template when each new invoice document is created.
  • Default company information is defined by the user during template setup via a template displayed userform. Company information tin can be revised at any time in a current invoice document via the content controls or by using the invoice defaults userform.
  • Client information and full general invoice information is defined by the user when each new invoice certificate is created via template displayed userform. Customer data and most general invoice data can be revised in the current invoice document via the content controls or the template displayed userform.
  • Invoice line detail section allows the user to invoice upwards to xvi products or services on a single page invoice certificate. The "Qty., Item #, Price and Totals" cells for each line item entry are monitored by the template and detect user deportment. This permits existent fourth dimension analysis of user actions and enhanced template performance.
  • The dashed lines shown in the illustrations are tabular array gridlines that appear on screen to define table and cell boundaries. The gridlines are not visible on printed invoices.

Site Note IconNotes:
1. Mapped content controls are placed in the invoice footers and multi-folio headers that brandish visitor proper noun, invoice number and appointment.

    two. "Invoice number and Due date" are a calculated values and cannot be edited directly using their associated content control in the invoice document.

Default company information is defined past the user during setup with the template displayed userform "SET INVOICE DEFAULTS (Outset USE)" shown below. This form displays automatically on first utilize to permit the user to set the default values for new invoices. It tin be displayed again at any time that an invoice certificate is open up should the user wish to change default data, the archive folder location, or associate\unassociated an external data source with the invoice.

Site Note IconNotes:
1. Due to the method used in sequencing the invoice number the starting number must be defined in the "Invoice No." field including any desired leading zeros. This field is express to half dozen characters.

    2. Use the "Leading Text" field to fully define "all" text you desire to prefix the numerical invoice number ( thousand., in the case below the invoice number volition exist prefixed with "Invoice No.: GKM-").

    3. "Invoice No., Company Name, Address Lines 1 & 2, Date Format and Default Taxation Rate
(A)" are mandatory fields that must exist completed before the defaults can be saved and practical.

    4. The "Default Tax Rate (A)" defines the tax rate practical to all invoice lines items when an individual line item revenue enhancement rate is not explicitly divers in the invoice column "T" using tax rate B, C, or D. This includes line items in which column "T" is left blank. Tax rates "B, C, and D" are optional, but if you invoice products or services that are not taxed then you must ascertain a revenue enhancement rate "0.00" as shown in the "Tax Rate B" field enter "B" in the ""T" cavalcade of the invoice when invoicing those products or services.

    5. The template automatically creates an "Archive Folder" named "Invoices" in your Give-and-take documents folder. Users tin can change the "Annal Folder" location using the "Select Archive Binder" command button

Once the default values are prepare, the user is set up to create the kickoff invoice. Initial data entry for the invoice is accomplished using the interactive template displayed userform shown below.

Site Note IconNotes:
1. Customer name and accost are mandatory fields.

    2. The template user can enter client data manually or use the "Choice from Address Book" or "Pick From OUTLOOK" command buttons to retrieve customer information.
- Both buttons function to retrieve that data that you lot have stored in your address volume or OUTLOOK contacts folder.
- The "Pick from Address Book" will probably provide a quicker response as it doesn't require starting an instance of OUTLOOK, merely the data available for retrieval is limited to proper noun, address and e-mail address.
- While its use is very express in the template published here, "Selection from OUTLOOK" provides a method to admission "all" OUTLOOK contact properties (e.g., Client ID, used in this application). Using the "Choice from OUTLOOK" may take a little longer or exist noticeably slower for users with a big OUTLOOK contact list.
- If OUTLOOK is not already running, the presence of tertiary party add-ins may cause OUTLOOK to crash. If you use this method and experience OUTLOOK problems then e'er start OUTLOOK before preparing invoice documents using this template.

    3. If y'all utilize either the address volume or OUTLOOK to enter customer information, addressing to client contacts with an associated "company proper noun" is automatically formatted as follows:

      4. "Due Engagement" is a calculated value determined by the invoice date and terms selected.

     5. The form can be redisplayed at any time in an open invoice document if the user wishes to make changes.

When the user clicks the "Build\Update Invoice" command push the basic invoice appears and the user can begin creating invoice line item entries.

Site Note IconNotes:
i. With the exception of "Invoice number, Invoice date and Due appointment," users tin can edit invoice information in the current invoice directly using the content controls.

    2. Equally depicted higher up, if you don't assign a default value for your visitor phone number, fax number, e-mail address or website accost during setup the corresponding line\content control is removed from your invoice documents. Here, I have left the "Fax" field blank in my setup and the corresponding "Fax:" field has been removed.

    3. If you later decide that you desire to restore a deleted data field in new invoices so yous will need to perform the post-obit:

       - Create a new invoice certificate.
- Open the "Invoice Defaults" dialog by selecting the "Prepare Defaults" control in the "Invoice Command" group of the "Invoice Manager" ribbon tab.
- Enter the appropriate default data and click "OK" to save the revised default data and close the dialog.
- To preserve your invoice numbering sequence, close the new invoice but created without saving changes.
- Create a new invoice certificate and the new defaults volition display.

     four. Similarly, if you do non provide information in the "Customer East-postal service, Client ID o r Order Number" fields when you create new invoice documents the corresponding line\content control will be removed from the invoice document. Click "Edit Invoice Information" if you make up one's mind later on to add together the deleted data to the electric current invoice.

Creating the invoice line item entries takes full advantage of the active cell events described in Table Cell Events.

Site Note IconNote: Should the user tab or click in the terminal cell i.e., the invoice "Total" cell, the OnChange redirects the insertion betoken to the first line item entry. This prevents the user from accidently using the tab primal in the final cell as this would add a new row and corrupt the structure of the calculated table.

Item #, Description and U/I cell entries can exist done manually by only tabbing between fields and inbound information or past using an external data source associated with the template. Associating an external data source or "Invoice Particular List" simplifies entering oftentimes invoiced products or services. The "Invoice Particular Listing" is simply a formatted Word document that lists these items and associated details. A sample formatted "Invoice Item List" is shown below.

With an invoice item list is associated and enabled when the user enters the "Detail #" cell the defined products and services are displayed in a template displayed userform.

The item selected and quantity entered is placed in the selected row of the invoice when the user clicks the "Insert Selected Item" command push. The line item full and invoice totals are automatically calculated when the entry is fabricated.

To create and associate an "Invoice Item List" with the template employ the "Create Item List" command button in the "Invoice Listing Tools" grouping of the "Invoice Manager" ribbon tab. This creates a new pre-formatted products and services detail list like the instance shown above that you lot can customize for you own utilise. The new detail listing is automatically named "Invoice Item Listing.docx," saved in the default "Archive Folder" and associated with the template.

Site Note IconNotes:
one. User'due south with more than one business concern may create multiple item listing but merely i item list can be associated with the template at a given time.

    2. Item lists can be associated or disassociated with the template using the "Data Source" section of the template displayed Userform "SET INVOICE DEFAULTS" dialog shown beneath. Call this dialog using the "Ready Defaults" ribbon command button.

The user interface (U/I) associated with the template is shown in the two split images below.

The U/I is arranged in 5 functional groups "Invoice Control, Item List Tools, Current Invoice, Symbols & Rates and Template Information." A brief description of each control is provided using ribbon super-tip text when the user pauses the mouse over a command. Additional data is provided below.

  • Insert Logo - Opens the users default movie folder and allows the user to select and insert a minor epitome "Logo" in the top left corner of the invoice. Logos can be applied to individual invoices or a default logo can exist applied to the template file by opening the template file and executing this role.
  • Ready Defaults - Opens the "Invoice Defaults" dialog. Users can display the defaults dialog someday an invoice document is open up to change default values or associate/unassociate external data files.
  • Re-Start Monitor - Re-starts the "Active Cell Monitor" routine. This is a maintenance\convenience control for advanced users. The typical user volition non have need to utilise this control.
  • End Monitor - Stops the "Active Cell Monitor" routine. This is a maintenance\convenience command for avant-garde users. The typical user volition not accept need to use this control.
  • Calculate - Manually executes the template "AutoTallyTable" routine. This is a maintenance\convenience command for advanced users. The typical user will not have need to use this command.
  • Create Particular List - Builds a new pre-formatted products and services detail list that users tin can associated with their invoice template. The new item listing is automatically named "Invoice Item List" and saved in the default "Archive Folder." User's with more than one business may create multiple particular list but just one item listing can exist associated with the template at a given time. Use the "Set Defaults" and "Data Source" section of the "Invoice Defaults" form to associate and unassociated information sources.

Site Note IconAnnotation: Each product and service particular listing created using the "Create Item List" control is named "Invoice Detail Listing.docx" and saved in the default "Annal Folder." Therefore, before attempting to create multiple data source files the current "Invoice Items Listing.docx" must exist moved, renamed or deleted. Otherwise the template displays the following user notification:

  • Edit Particular List - Equally the proper noun implies, the command is used to open and edit the data file that the user has associated with the template.
  • Detail Listing Enabled - This is a toggle push control used betoken and command the country of an associated item list.

Site Note IconNotation: Since it is possible to acquaintance an item listing to an open invoice that could incorporate revised data, the template notifies the user if the particular list was created or saved after the electric current invoice was last saved.

  • Insert Row - Enabled when the selection is in an invoice line particular row. Inserts a new row immediately beneath the row containing the insertion point. If the insertion point is is row 16 (or the final line detail entry row) then this part inserts rows to fill up the current folio and adds a new page to the invoice (35 rows are added in total).
  • Delete Row - Enabled when the selection is in an invoice line item row. Deletes the current row and adds a new blank row. This preserves the sixteen total line item entry rows of the basic invoice.

Site Note IconNote To minimize risk of corrupting the invoice table structure and calculation procedure, users should avoid using Word's built-in table row add and delete controls

  • Edit Invoice Information - Displays the template Userform used to ascertain customer and general template information.
  • Stamp Invoice - Allows user to "postage stamp" or apply one of five pre-defined or a user divers background watermark to the invoice.

Site Note IconNotes:
1. Whatsoever existing "stamp" is automatically removed when this control is executed.

    2. Whatever stamp text that exceeds (won't fit) in the invoice line item rows will be masked past the shading applied to the heading and total rows. Therefore yous should ensure any stamp text is sized to fit within the white space defined by the line item rows.

  • Save Invoice - For new (i.e., never saved invoices), displays Word's congenital-in "SaveAs" dialog configured past the template with a pre-configured suggested file proper noun and file relieve as location. For open invoices (saved one time), saves the invoices.
  • Relieve Equally PFD - Automatically creates and saves a copy of a saved invoice in PDF format.
  • Print Invoice - Prints the invoice using the default printer.
  • Electronic mail Invoice - Gets or creates an instance of Microsoft OUTLOOK and creates a new addressed postal service item. A PDF format copy of the invoice is practical as an attachment.

Site Note IconNotes:
1. OUTLOOK must be installed on the user'due south PC and set as the default post handler.

    two. Uses the default mail account or the account divers by the user during setup.

  • Shut Invoice - Closes the invoice using Word's built-in process.
  • Currency Symbol - Use the dropdown field to use one of six alternative currency symbols to the invoice calculated values. User the "Before\Later number" toggle button to identify the currency symbol before or afterwards calculated values.

Site Note IconAnnotation: The default currency symbol is determined by the users regional settings.

  • Revenue enhancement Rate Edit Boxes - The tax rate edit boxes displayed on the U\I show the current tax rates applied to the invoice. User's can modify the tax rates using these controls. Changes made in these controls are saved equally new default revenue enhancement charge per unit settings.
  • Help/Info - Opens the tips folio on my website
  • Disclaimer - Displays a re-create of the "Credits and Disclaimer" course.

Download the template hither: Invoice (with Motorcar Table Calculate).  When you attempt to apply the template for the start fourth dimension to create a new invoice, you lot will exist required to acknowledge the "Credits & Disclaimer" and you will be prompted to define the defaults.

Site Note icon For more on template add together-ins and how to load them, see: Organizing Your Macros/Template Add-ins at: Installing Macros

That'south information technology! I hope you lot take plant this tips page useful and informative.

Well that is almost it. I have refrained from making this statement in other tips pages simply feel that it is advisable hither. I am not a formally trained, professional programmer or Discussion developer. While what take demonstrated and provided here may exist rudimentary in some circles, information technology represents over 60 hours of slow and often frustrating work, testing, and re-work. I was happy to exercise information technology because I bask the challenge and I am pleased to share it with the Discussion user community. Withal, I volition not respond to requests to further refine or customize this projection without demonstrated willingness from the requester to compensate me for the work.


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